Institute for Automotive & Manufacturing Advanced Practice (AMAP)
AMAP aims to inform, inspire and innovate in Advanced Manufacturing, which includes all aspects of Automotive engineering and low carbon vehicles.
AMAP, at the University of Sunderland, is an innovative, accessible, and outward facing provider of support for industry based upon the application of research and knowledge of advanced manufacturing recognised regionally, nationally and internationally. AMAP specialises in the following core themes:
◾Automotive: Low Carbon Vehicles, including Fuel Cell and Hybrid systems, Light-weight Technology, Human factors and behaviours, Telematics
◾Supply Chain Development: Productivity, Maintenance, Quality and Inspection
◾Product Design and Digital Engineering: Computer Aided Engineering, Design Processes, Rapid Prototyping, DFx (Design For x, where the x can be Quality, Assembly, Manufacture, Maintenance, Cost, etc.), Scanning Inspection and Reverse Engineering.
◾Manufacturing Technology and Process Development: Simulation, Robotics, New and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Additive Manufacturing, Joining and Welding
◾Materials: Lightweighting, Composites, Graphene, Material Modelling
By providing problem-solving solutions to manufacturers of all capabilities, offering training or advice, or working in partnership-based research, AMAP’s basic working principle is to improve or develop the current state of a company or individual. AMAP also run the North East Maintenance and North East Productivity Forums, networks providing industrial peer to peer knowledge exchange and sharing best practice in these areas.