Newcastle College
Newcastle College serves over 20,000 learners from our main Rye Hill campus in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne, our nine satellite sites in and around the city, and at four community-outreach venues across the North East. We work with hundreds of regional businesses and a recent economic report identified that the College contributes almost £244m to the regional economy.
Newcastle College prides itself on the breadth and depth of its course provision. We offer over 100 full-time vocational courses, for those aged 16 -18, who are looking for a more practical and career-focused way of learning that will enable them to progress into higher education or into employment. For adult learners we have over 200 part-time, evening, daytime, and weekend courses which range from those designed to help you get back into work, retrain for a new career, or if you wish to start a new hobby. We also have one of the widest range of apprenticeships available in the north east, suitable for those already employed in a role or for those looking to enter the world of work, get paid and continue their education.
Newcastle College also has a well-established degree offer for those looking to go into higher education. We are the largest provider of higher education in the FE sector and we have over 60 full and part-time Foundation Degrees covering a wide range of subject areas. Our Foundation Degrees are two year programmes that are broadly equivalent to the first two years of an Honours Degree, and are designed to combine practical work-based learning with academic study. We also offer a number of one year Honours Degree Top-Ups in partnership with Teesside University as well as Masters level programmes.