Sertec Auto Structures (UK) Ltd
Sertec has over 60 years’ experience, specialising in the manufacture of complex lightweight body structures and electric vehicle components for major automotive OEMs and Tier-Ones.
Our people, manufacturing processes and technical expertise provide innovative solutions that deliver value and reliability for our customers. This leads to long partnerships with our customers who trust and invest in our business.
We support our valued customers from the concept design and development phase through to production. We have bespoke engineering teams for all aspects of product development that include product R&D, design feasibility and tooling capability (sourced competitively in either Europe or Asia supported by our multi-functional engineering team based in China).
Our production capacity includes automated stamping processes requiring capacity up to 1000 ton (progression and transfer), automated assembly cells, wireform assemblies and fine blanking manufactured across well invested facilities in the UK and in Europe.
More recently, we have specialised in high volume automated no-touch production capacity required for EV components, resulting in the launch of two significant production facilities manufacturing Battery Cases and Modular Busbar Assemblies.