Leading Business Services Provider Achieves Success with Sector Specific B2B Marketing Specialists


Jigsaw Business Group successfully rebrands and grows brand recognition with the support of fellow NEAA member Scarab4.

Scarab4 – a specialist North East based B2B marketing agency – had engaged with Jigsaw Business Group (JBG) at various NEAA events. As part of ambitious growth plans, JBG required various marketing activities and the company appointed Scarab4 as the business was a natural fit, being a specialist in keys industries that JBG work with, including manufacturing and engineering firms in the automotive sector.

Scarab4 was commissioned to deliver a series of activities from a marketing strategy, brand refresh and rollout, website and promotional video. The company now provides JBG with monthly retained services including PR, email marketing, social media and website support.


Scarab4 worked with JBG Directors and employees to get an in depth understanding to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy and 12-month plan. The company then executed the strategy, delivering a full brand

refresh to reflect JBG as it is today. This included a new logo, signage, a suite of corporate brochures, business cards and a seamless launch of an interactive and modern website. Scarab4 also supported the business to effectively communicate the brand refresh to all stakeholders using relevant channels.

Since the new brand launch in 2019, Scarab4 has worked closely with JBG to provide effective PR, design, email marketing, social media and event support.


  • AcomprehensivemarketingstrategysolidifiedJBG’sbrand proposition. Engaging key messaging appealed to different stakeholders across JBG’s five service areas: supply chain management, business improvement, recruitment and training and development and JigsawsafeTM services.
  • Scarab4createda‘buy-in’fromallstaffandthe business’ relevant stakeholders as it transitioned the new brand, which was very well received.
  • Afullsuiteofeye-catchingmarketingmaterialensures consistency and brand recognition, whilst also appealing to the target audiences.
  • JBG’semailcampaignshadanaverageopenrateof 24% (industry average 21.33%) and click through rate 8% (industry average 2-5%).
  • Inone-monthScarab4gainedalmost£10kworthofPR coverage in terms of AVE with a reach of 206,480.
  • Scarab4hasincreasedthecompanyLinkedInpage following to over 9000 followers.

“We have worked with JBG for over two years now and have developed a really strong relationship. We continue to be impressed by the team’s innovative approach to driving transformational change across businesses and we are delighted to be able to showcase the company’s offering.”

Jane Gatiss, Managing Director

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“Scarab4 works with JBG as an extension our team. They’ve really helped us to effectively articulate what JBG does and in a manner that is very engaging and appealing to our target customer base. With the company’s expertise in the sectors we operate, they were an obvious choice and have not disappointed!”

Dean Stennett, Chairman and Director


If you’d like to find out more please get in touch.