PCB Assembly

PCB Assembly – A New Approach

Well the world has gone nuts hasn’t it? It looks like the component shortage is going to extend well into next year and maybe 2024 onwards. I’m not sure we have seen the full fall out from the war in Ukraine. We are still seeing shortages on ICs and FPGAs – how you decide what you design in next is anyone’s guess. Some customers are now designing based on what stock is available and buying it right away.

Which means you need a supportive and reactive supply chain, something we endeavour to offer here at NanoES.

We often purchase in advance of a PO, or making adjustments after we have had confirmation of stock shipping to avoid constant back and forward.

It all starts with quote turnaround times, stock moves so quickly at the moment, you can’t be waiting 1-2 weeks for a quote. We aim to return most quotes within 24-48 hours, giving you the chance to make a decision on part issues and react accordingly. We will identify alternatives or options where possible to save you the time of looking. We can also start ordering before you finalise the BoM to ensure stock is secured.

We are also happy to work on the BoM as you are designing the boards – in a number of cases we have shared a Google Sheet BoM with our customer, as they specify parts we start checking and ordering. This ensures we can secure stock early on. 

By NanoES doing a lot of preparation work at the front end reduces the overhead on our manufacturing partners and allowing for a quicker response.

Advantages of assembly with NanoES

  • Single point of contact for multiple suppliers, so we can easily transition your approved prototype to a 2nd or even 3rd supplier for NPI or production, with no extra work needed by the customer.
  • Reasonable quote turnarounds
  • Hand Assembly options, reducing cost and saving time by avoiding expensive machine placement for a proof of concept that could change
  • Solder Jet Printing Capability – removing the need for expensive stencils
  • Extensive component and market knowledge to help find those tricky parts
  • BoM Check service – helping you identify potential long term supply issues, sanity checking the BoM and components
  • See NanoES as a single point of contact or account manager for multiple suppliers

If you are looking for PCB assembly, or help with getting prototypes completed, please give us a call. We don’t bite and welcome all enquiries.

Challenge us and see what time savings and benefits we can bring to you
