British Gear Association
The British Gear Association. Securing and enhancing the mechanical and power transmission industry.
The BGA’s mission is to secure and enhance the mechanical Power Transmission industry whilst also providing an organisation that can unite both the manufacturers and users of gears, gearboxes and transmission elements and provide a mutually beneficial platform to help grow the UK’s mechanical Power Transmission industry.
As a trade association, the BGA, works to promote the commercial and technical interests of our members. The BGA speaks on behalf of our members and the industry as a whole on a national and international level, boosting recognition amongst the government, media and other relevant industries.
The BGA offers a platform for people in the industry to come together to share ideas and findings. We produce and host a series of specialist training courses, Special Interest Groups and can organise collaborative research projects which all members are welcome to propose or participate in.
In short the BGA:
• Training: Delivers exclusive seminars, workshops and conferences attracting speakers, tutors and specialists from across the world.
• Publications: Online hub offers free, access to industry publications including white papers, codes of practice and industry statistics.
• Special Interest Groups: Facilitates individuals to participate in discussions, comparative exercises and research with peers in specific areas of interest.
• Standards: Provides technical information to the industry and liaises with academia to influence standards worldwide. The BGA is represented on British and International Standard committees, providing the Chairman of the British Standards Institution’s MCE/5 Committee on Gearing and the Chairman to ISO TC60 sub-committee SC1.
• Research: Provides support and funding for relevant research projects from our members on a collaborative basis.