3D Scanning and Reverse Engineering Workshop

Event Date:
November 24, 2022
Event Time:
9:30 am
Event Location:
Industrial Digitalisation Technology Centre (IDTC)
A hands-on 3D scanning and reverse engineering workshop with the opportunity to scan your own parts using the latest in 3D scan technology
3D scanning and reverse engineering is a dynamic and continuously evolving industry, and ongoing developments in the market means that this technology is becoming more accessible than ever.
The applications for this technology are limitless, here’s just a few of the amazing things our client’s have achieved :
- Manufacture of precision medical diagnostic tools
- Development of after-market automotive parts and classic car restoration
- Restoration of antique artwork
- Oil pipeline inspection
- More accurate prosthetics manufacturing
- Reproduce and update legacy parts in manufacturing without original CAD files
The aim of this workshop is to provide attendees with an overview of 3D scanning and reverse engineering with real-life case studies and a live demonstration. Following this brief introduction to the technology, attendees will then have the chance to get hands-on with the scanners and software and have a go scanning objects. Attendees are free to bring in their own pieces to scan and they will be provided with the scan data following the workshop.
This workshop is completely free to attend. We ask attendees to arrive for 9.30am for a planned 9.45am start. Workshops normally finished around 12.30pm however our expert team will be around all afternoon if you need more information or want to discuss your specific requirements/applications.